- About VVC
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Departments
- Adapted Physical Education
- Adapted Physical Education (APE)
- Addendum
- Administration
- Administration of Justice, AS-T
- Administrative Assistant Certificate of Achievement
- Admissions and Registration
- Adult Education Home Economics
- Adult Education Home Economics (AHOM)
- Advanced Barbering Certificate of Completion
- Advanced Cosmetology Certificate of Completion
- Advanced Life Support Module 1 Certificate of Achievement
- Advanced Life Support Module 2 Certificate of Achievement
- Advanced Life Support Module 3 Certificate of Achievement
- Advanced Paralegal Studies Certificate of Achievement
- Advanced Provider Certificate of Completion
- Agricultural Animal Sciences, AS-T
- Agricultural Plant Sciences, AS-T
- Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR)
- Allied Health
- Allied Health (ALDH)
- All Risk Firefighter Certificate of Achievement
- American Sign Language
- American Sign Language (ASL)
- American Sign Language Certificate of Achievement
- Animal Science Specialist Certificate of Achievement
- Animation (ANIM)
- Anthropology
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Apparel Construction Certificate of Completion
- Applied Developmental Psychology Certificate of Achievement
- Architectural CADD Technician I Certificate of Achievement
- Architectural Drafting and Design, AS
- Architecture
- Architecture (ARCH)
- Archived Catalogs
- Art and Design
- Art and Design (ART)
- Art History, AA-T
- Astronomy
- Astronomy (ASTR)
- Athletics
- Athletics (ATHL)
- Athletics, Certificate of Achievement
- Athletic Trainer Aide I Certificate of Achievement
- Athletic Trainer Aide II Certificate of Achievement
- Automotive Alternative Propulsion Certificate of Achievement
- Automotive (AUTO)
- Automotive Brake and Suspension Specialist Technician Certificate of Achievement
- Automotive Dealership Technician Certificate of Achievement
- Automotive Detailer and Porter Certificate of Achievement
- Automotive Electrical Specialist Certificate of Achievement
- Automotive Emission Testing Specialist Certificate of Achievement
- Automotive Engine Performance Specialist Certificate of Achievement
- Automotive Engine Specialist Certificate of Achievement
- Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning Specialist Certificate of Achievement
- Automotive Service Advisor and Manager Certificate of Achievement
- Automotive Service Management, AS
- Automotive Technology
- Automotive Technology, AS
- Automotive Transmission Specialist Technician Certificate of Achievement
- Aviation
- Aviation Airframe Technician Certificate of Achievement
- Aviation (AVA)
- Aviation Maintenance Technology, AS
- Aviation Powerplant Technician Certificate of Achievement
- Barber Crossover Certificate of Completion
- Basic Electrician Technician Certificate of Career Preparation
- Basic Firefighter Certificate of Achievement
- Basic Framing and Carpentry Certificate of Achievement
- Basic Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC/R) Service Technician Certificate of Career Preparation
- Basic Life Support Provider Certificate of Completion
- Basic Provider Certificate of Completion
- Basic Residential Maintenance Technician Certificate of Career Preparation
- Basic Skills
- Basic Skills (BSKL)
- Basic Woodworking Certificate of Career Preparation
- Biological Science
- Biology, AS-T
- Biology (BIOL)
- Board of Trustees
- Bookkeeping I Certificate of Career Preparation
- Building Inspection Certificate of Achievement
- Business
- Business Administration
- Business Administration 2.0, AS-T
- Business Administration, AS
- Business Administration (BADM)
- Business, AS
- Business Education Technologies
- Business Education Technologies (BET)
- Business Education Technology, AS
- Business Real Estate
- Business Real Estate (BRE)
- CADD (Computer Aided Design and Drafting) Technician I Certificate of Achievement
- California State University, General Education Breadth Certificate
- Campus Law Enforcement Course: PC 832.3 Certificate of Career Preparation
- Campus Locations and Services
- Career and Industry Exploration Certificate of Completion
- Career Preparation Certificate of Completion
- Career Success Certificate of Completion
- Chemistry
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Child Development
- Child Development, AS
- Child Development (CHDV)
- Coaching Certificate of Achievement
- Co-Curricular Programs
- College History
- College Readiness Certificate of Career Preparation
- Commercial Art
- Commercial Art (CART)
- Commercial Drivers License
- Commercial Drivers License (CDL)
- Commercial Drivers License (CDL)
- Commercial Driver Training Certificate of Completion
- Communication Studies
- Communication Studies 2.0, AA-T
- Communication Studies (CMST)
- Community Health Worker Certificate of Completion
- Community Mental Health Certificate of Completion
- Complete Fundamentals of Catering Certificate of Career Preparation
- Composite Aerospace Manufacturing Certificate of Achievement
- Computer Information Science (CIS)
- Computer Information Systems
- Computer Information Systems, AS
- Computers
- Computer Science, AS-T
- Computer Systems I Certificate of Career Preparation
- Computer Systems II Certificate of Achievement
- Construction and Manufacturing Technology
- Construction Management Certificate of Achievement
- Construction Technology, AS
- Construction Technology Certificate of Achievement
- Construction Technology (CT)
- Construction Technology Maintenance (CTMT)
- Construction Technology Manufacturing (CTMF)
- Construction Technology Public Works (CTPW)
- Cooperative Work Experience Education
- Correctional Science Certificate of Achievement
- Cosmetology
- Cosmetology (COSM)
- Course Descriptions
- Criminal Justice
- Criminal Justice, AS
- Criminal Justice Certificate of Achievement
- Criminal Justice (CJ)
- CSU GE-Breadth
- Dance, AA
- Dance Teacher I Certificate of Achievement
- Developmental Studies
- Developmental Studies (DVST)
- Digital Animation Artist 3ds Max Certificate of Career Preparation
- Digital Animation Artist Maya Certificate of Career Preparation
- Digital Animation Technician I 3ds Max Certificate of Career Preparation
- Digital Animation Technician I Maya Certificate of Career Preparation
- Digital Filmmaker Certificate of Career Preparation
- Digital Media - Animation and Motion Graphics 3ds Max Certificate of Achievement
- Digital Media - Animation and Motion Graphics Maya Certificate of Achievement
- District Vision, Values, Mission and Goals
- Drafting Technician I Certificate of Achievement
- Early Childhood Education, AS-T
- Ecological Restoration Certificate of Achievement
- Economics
- Economics (ECON)
- Education
- Educational Technology Certificate of Career Preparation
- Education (EDUC)
- Electronics and Computer Technology
- Electronics and Computer Technology, AS
- Electronics and Computer Technology (ELCT)
- Electronics Engineering Technology: Electronics, AS
- Electronics Technician I Certificate of Achievement
- Electronics Technician II Certificate of Achievement
- Elementary Teacher Education, AA-T
- Emergency Medical Certification
- Emergency Medical Certification (EMC)
- Emergency Medical Services
- Emergency Medical Services, AS
- Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
- Emergency Medical Services Foundation Certificate of Achievement
- Emergency Medical Technician Certificate of Achievement
- Emergency Telecommunications
- Emergency Telecommunications (ETC)
- Engineering Drafting
- Engineering Drafting and Design, AS
- Engineering (ENGD)
- English
- English, AA-T
- English as a Second Language
- English as a Second Language (ESL)
- English as a Second Language Noncredit (AENG)
- English (ENGL)
- Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship Certificate of Achievement
- Entrepreneurship (ENTR)
- Environmental Horticulture and Landscaping Certificate of Achievement
- Environmental Horticulture, AS
- Equine Science Specialist Certificate of Achievement
- ESL Level 1 Low-Beginning English Language Skills Certificate of Competency
- ESL Level 2 High Beginning Language Skills Certificate of Competency
- ESL Level 3 Low-Intermediate English Language Skills Certificate of Competency
- ESL Level 4 High Intermediate English Skills Certificate of Competency
- ESL Level 5 Advanced English Skills Certificate of Competency
- Esthetician Academy Certificate of Completion
- Ethnic Studies
- Ethnic Studies Certificate of Achievement
- Ethnic Studies (ETH)
- Expanded Animation Technician 3ds Max Certificate of Career Preparation
- Expanded Animation Technician Maya Certificate of Career Preparation
- Faculty and Staff
- Financing Your Education
- Fine Arts
- Fine Arts, AA
- Fire Fighter Academy
- Fire Fighter Certificate of Achievement
- Fire Technology
- Fire Technology, AS
- Fire Technology (FIRE)
- Fitness Specialist - Personal Trainer Certificate of Achievement
- Forensic Science, Biology Concentration Certificate of Achievement
- Forensic Specialist Certificate of Career Preparation
- Forklift Class I, II, & III Certificate of Completion
- Forklift Class IV & V Certificate of Completion
- French
- French (FREN)
- General Aircraft Maintenance Technician Certificate of Achievement
- General Education Patterns
- Geography
- Geography, AA-T
- Geography (GEOG)
- Geological Sciences
- Geological Sciences (GEOL)
- Global Competency Certificate of Achievement
- Global Studies
- Global Studies, AA-T
- Global Studies (GLST)
- Graduation and Transfer
- Guidance
- Guidance (GUID)
- Hairstylist Academy Certificate of Completion
- Health
- Health (HLTH)
- History
- History, AA-T
- History (HIST)
- Honors
- IFSAC/Pro-Board Firefighter I Certificate of Achievement
- Independent Study
- Intermediate Barbering Certificate of Completion
- Intermediate Cosmetology Certificate of Completion
- Intermediate Firefighter Certificate of Achievement
- Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) Certificate
- Introduction to Automotive Drivability Theory Certificate of Achievement
- Introduction to Firefighting Certificate of Achievement
- Introductory Barbering Certificate of Completion
- Introductory Cosmetology Certificate of Completion
- Law
- Law Enforcement Module II Basic Course Certificate of Achievement
- Law Enforcement Module III Basic Course Certificate of Career Preparation
- Learning Outcomes
- Level I: Associate Teacher Certificate of Achievement
- Level III: Site Supervisor (Pre School) Certificate of Achievement
- Level II: Teacher (Pre School) Certificate of Achievement
- Liberal Arts
- Liberal Arts: Arts and Humanities Emphasis, AA
- Liberal Arts: Mathematics/Science Emphasis, AA
- Liberal Arts: Social/Behavioral Science Emphasis, AA
- Library Science
- Library Science (LIBR)
- Library Science (LIBR)
- Light Duty Diesel Technician Certificate of Achievement
- Management Certificate of Achievement
- Managing Your Education
- Manicuring Academy Certificate of Completion
- Manufacturing and Logistics
- Manufacturing and Logistics (MNLO)
- Mathematics
- Mathematics, AS-T
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Math/Science
- Math/Science, AS
- Medical and Health Professions
- Medical Assistant, AS
- Medical Assistant Certificate of Achievement
- Medical Office Certificate of Achievement
- Music
- Music, AA-T
- Music (MUSC)
- Music Noncredit (AMUS)
- MySQL Database Developer Certificate of Achievement
- Natural Resource and Environmental Technology Certificate of Achievement
- Network Specialist Certificate of Achievement
- New Student Onboarding Certificate of Competency
- Notary Public
- Notary Public (NOTR)
- Nursing
- Nursing, AS
- Nursing Licensure Certificate of Achievement
- Nursing (NURS)
- Nutrition and Dietetics, AS-T
- Paralegal Studies
- Paralegal Studies, AA
- Paralegal Studies Certificate of Achievement
- Paralegal Studies (PAL)
- Paramedic Certificate of Achievement
- Paramedic Internship Certificate of Achievement
- Pathway to Law Certificate of Achievement
- PC 832 Firearms Only Certificate of Career Preparation
- PC 832 Laws of Arrest Course Certificate of Career Preparation
- Pediatric Life Support Provider Certificate of Completion
- Philosophy
- Philosophy, AA-T
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Photography
- Photography Certificate of Achievement
- Photography (PHOT)
- Photovoltaic Technician Certificate of Career Preparation
- Physical Sciences
- Physical Sciences (PSCI)
- Physical Therapy Services
- Physical Therapy Services (PTS)
- Physics
- Physics, AS
- Physics, AS-T
- Physics (PHYS)
- Plant Science and Sustainable Agriculture Certificate of Achievement
- Plumbing Technician Certificate of Career Preparation
- Police Technician Specialist Certificate of Career Preparation
- Policies and Regulations
- Political Science
- Political Science, AA-T
- Political Science (POLS)
- Programming I Certificate of Achievement
- Psychology
- Psychology, AA-T
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Public Administration
- Public Administration (PADM)
- Public Health Science, AS-T
- Real Estate Business, AS
- Real Estate Career Professional Certificate of Achievement
- Real Estate Management Professional Certificate of Achievement
- Real Estate Sales Professional Certificate of Achievement
- Religious Studies
- Religious Studies, AA
- Religious Studies (RLST)
- Respiratory Therapy
- Respiratory Therapy, AS
- Respiratory Therapy Certificate of Achievement
- Respiratory Therapy (RSPT)
- Restaurant Management
- Restaurant Management, AS
- Restaurant Management Certificate of Achievement
- Restaurant Management (RMGT)
- Services for Students
- Social Justice Studies, AA-T
- Sociology
- Sociology, AA-T
- Sociology (SOC)
- Spanish
- Spanish (SPAN)
- Special Topics Courses
- Spreadsheet Processor Certificate of Career Preparation
- Student Resources
- Studio Arts, AA-T
- Superintendent/President’s Message
- Teach Out
- Textile Measurement and Production Certificate of Completion
- Theater Arts
- Theatre Arts (TA)
- Trauma Life Support Provider Certificate of Completion
- Tutor
- Two-Dimensional Studio Arts, Certificate of Achievement
- Web Authoring Certificate of Achievement
- Welding
- Welding, AS
- Welding Certificate of Achievement
- Welding (WELD)
- What We Offer
- Wildland Firefighter Certificate of Achievement
- Word Processor Certificate of Career Preparation
- Work Experience Education
- Work Experience Education (WEE)
- Work Force Preparation
- Work Force Preparation (WKPR)