The Associate of Science Degree in Nursing is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing. Graduates are eligible to take the National Council for Licensure Examination for Registered Nursing (NCLEX-RN) and, upon successful completion, become eligible for licensure as a Registered Nurse in the state of California.
California law allows for the denial of Registered Nurse Licensure on the basis of any conviction or action substantially related to nursing practice. The California Board of Registered Nursing requires applicants for licensure with prior convictions to provide proof of rehabilitation before taking the NCLEX-RN that establishes fitness for performing nursing functions. For further clarification, contact the Nursing Department or the California Board of Registered Nursing.
The Associate Degree Nursing Faculty accepts and operates within the framework of the philosophy and mission of Victor Valley College. The conceptual framework is based on the systems and change theory using the Nursing Process. The components of the curriculum are arranged around the client’s bio-psycho-social, and cultural/spiritual beliefs. The faculty believes that the student is an adult learner who is expected to take an active role in the learning process.
Separate application must be made into the nursing program. Several admission and progression options are available, including generic, advanced placement, transfer, non-graduate and 30 unit option. Specific information is available in the application packet, the student nurse handbook and from the program director. Please contact the Nursing Department for application dates.
Prerequisites for admission into the Nursing program
- Human Anatomy (equivalent to Victor Valley College BIOL 211 Human Anatomy), 4-5 units, completed with a grade of “C” or better.
- Human Physiology (equivalent to Victor Valley College BIOL 231 Human Physiology), 4-5 units, completed with a grade of “C” or better.
- Microbiology (equivalent to Victor Valley College BIOL 221 General Microbiology), 5 units, completed with a grade of “C” or better.
- Program prerequisites must be completed prior to application.
Note that these prerequisites themselves have prerequisites: BIOL 100 General Biology, BIOL 107 Introduction to Human Biology (preferred), or BIOL 201 Biology of Cells and CHEM 100 Introductory Chemistry or CHEM 201 General Chemistry.
Enrollment Process
After the prerequisites have been verified and there are still too many students for the spaces available, those accepted into the program will be based on the enrollment criteria. The enrollment process is based on the recommended Best Practice for Enrollment prepared by the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges, and approved by the Chancellor’s Office. Please contact the Nursing Department or Nursing Counselor for further clarification of the enrollment process.
- Prior to admission to the ADN program, students must demonstrate physical health as determined by a history and physical examination.
- To continue in the program, the students must submit a current physical and meet required immunizations, titers, and have a chest X-ray and/or PPD. Also, a current American Heart Association Health Care Provider CPR Certificate, or equivalent, must be obtained and current. Current liability insurance and criminal background checks are required in order to comply with the program and clinical agencies’ contractual requirements. Per individual facility requirements, random drug testing may also be required.
- The College does not provide transportation to and from required clinical facilities.
- In order to continue in the ADN program students must earn a minimum grade of C in all nursing and other required courses.
- Nursing courses have specific prerequisites. Refer to course descriptions in this catalog.
Placement Options
Generic Students are those who will complete the entire nursing program at Victor Valley College. The application is submitted, and after approval, class selection is made according to the current enrollment process. Students must also pass (=>70%) the Testing of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS V or higher) prior to program start. The TEAS V (or higher), Exam tests the student’s knowledge of basic Math, English, Reading and applicable science. A maximum of two attempts to pass the TEAS V or higher version is allowable.
Transfer Students are those who transfer nursing units from another college. The education code allows students to transfer only lower division units to a community college. Each student requesting transfer of Nursing units will be individually evaluated by the Nursing Program Admission, Promotion, Evaluation, and Program Effectiveness (AEPE) Committee to determine appropriate placement in the VVC Program. Placement will be made on a space available basis and is determined by the course content and number of nursing degree units completed. A Priority Transfer List will be established according to the Policy for Nursing Program Transfer. Students will be given credit for general education courses according to the college’s published policy (see College Catalog). If the student has earned a non-progression grade (D or F) in a registered nursing at another school, acceptance to Victor Valley College Nursing Program will be considered their second chance. Prospective students must score a minimum of 70% on the TEAS V or higher version.
LVN to RN Entry1 Option are those documented as a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) in California. Students choosing this option must apply to the program, meet the prerequisites (Completion of college-level Anatomy, Physiology and Microbiology) and take the Credit by Examination to bypass any of the courses. Passing TEAS V or higher version is also a requirement for all entering students.
- 1
(LVN-RN) Please note: All Victor Valley College requirements for Credit by Examination must also be met. 1) Twelve units completed at VVC. 2) Minimum overall cumulative GPA of 2.0. 3) No previous grade received for the course. 4) Currently enrolled. NOTE: Credit by Examination may only be taken once for a course.
Challenge Students
Students admitted to the Nursing Program with previous documented experience may be allowed to challenge certain specified content areas - Education Code, Section 5557537, Title 5 of the California Administrative Code. Contact the Director of Nursing regarding this option.
Thirty Unit Option is available to California Licensed Vocational Nurses. The Board of Registered Nursing regulation 1429 provides the option of completing 30 semester units in nursing and related sciences. In order to enter under this option the applicant must:
- Have a current California LVN license
- Prior to starting, have previously completed Human Anatomy, (5 units with a lab), Human Physiology, (5 units with a lab), and Microbiology, (5 units with a lab); all with C or better.
- Applicants will take a credit by exam against our Nursing Process1 as long as at least 12 units at Victor Valley College with a GPA of 2.5 or better and be currently enrolled. If credit by exam passed for NURS 221 Nursing Process 1 candidates will enter NURS 222 Nursing Process 2 and complete NURS 223 Nursing Process 3 and NURS 224 Nursing Process 4.
Candidates completing this option are not graduates of VVC, but are eligible to take the licensure exam. They are not eligible to wear the VVC graduate nursing pin nor graduate from the Associate Degree program. Additionally, they may not be eligible for RN licensure in any other state than California. Passing (70% or greater) on the TEAS V or higher is also a requirement for the 30-Unit Option students.
Non-Graduate Option
Allows students to complete only those classes required to take the NCLEX exam. In the VVC Nursing Program, those classes are: BIOL 211 Human Anatomy; BIOL 221 General Microbiology; BIOL 231 Human Physiology; ENGL 101.0 ; SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology; CMST 106 Interpersonal Communication, CMST 107 Family Communication, CMST 108 Group Discussion, or CMST 109 Public Speaking; PSYC 101 Introductory Psychology; PSYC 110 Developmental Psychology; and NURS (5 classes). All classes must be completed with a C or better. Students choosing this option are not graduates of VVC. The TEAS V requirement applies to all entry options.
Contracts or Grants
The Nursing program reserves the right to bypass portions of the enrollment process to designate a certain number of spaces from any of the above entry options for contracts, grants, pilot programs or partnerships, and/or to meet requirements of grant-designated outcomes.
For detailed information regarding VVC’s Associate Degree Nursing Program Placement/Advancement Policy, please refer to the current ADN Program Student Handbook.
Career Opportunities
The graduate is prepared to practice nursing at any entry level in the following settings:
Medical/Surgical Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Maternal/Newborn Nursing, Post-Anesthesia Nursing, Perioperative Nursing Geriatric Nursing, Critical Care Nursing, Rehabilitation Nursing, Neurosurgical Nursing, Oncology Nursing
Ali, Susan
Gray, Tiana
Kniss, Daniel
Larez, Pam
Millikin, Rebecca
Padfield, Karmen
Portillo, Silvia
Quinn, Jamie
Stroup, Jennifer
Truelove, Terry
- California State University, Dominguez Hills: RN to BSN program
- Minimum of 60 semester units of transferable college credit with a grade point average of at least 2.0 (C) or better in all transferable course work (non-residents: 2.4) and have satisfied any high school subject deficiency in English and mathematics by equivalent course work (the maximum transferable credit accepted from a two-year college is 70 semester units). English composition, Public Speaking, GE Math and Logic/Critical Thinking must be completed prior to admission for new applicants.
- Current RN licensure in the United States, or an RN interim permit.
- It is recommended that students obtain GE certification from a community college prior to admission.
- California State University, San Bernardino: BSN program
- Completion of an application to the university and nursing program
- Attendance at a group advising session
- Completion of the following prerequisites: BIOL 211 Human Anatomy; BIOL 231 Human Physiology; BIOL 221 General Microbiology; CHEM 100 Introductory Chemistry; MATH 120 Introduction to Statistics; CMST 109 Public Speaking; ENGL 101.0 ; PSYC 110 Developmental Psychology; and complete the CSU General Education/Breadth pattern.
- 3.5 GPA minimum
- “C” or better on all course work
Acceptance into a baccalaureate of science degree in Nursing is based on completion of prerequisites and entrance requirements. To pursue a BSN, complete the requirements prior to transfer. For the most up-to-date information on these programs and others, visit Please stop by the Transfer Center in Building 23 or make an appointment with a counselor if you have questions.
Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are statements of the kind of learning a program hopes a student will achieve. The PLOs describe the knowledge, skills, problem-solving, communication and values that apply to all certificates and/or degrees within that program.
Upon completion of this program, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate clear, culturally sensitive communication with patients, peers, & healthcare staff; documenting clearly care plans which address cultural, developmental, bio-psychosocial and spiritual needs and how they are met.
- Calculate drug dosages for all age groups with 100% accuracy and use current technology according to industry standards.
- After completing an assessment, state appropriate nursing diagnosis, formulate a plan of care which is culturally and age sensitive; implement and evaluate outcomes for patient.
- Practice legally, ethically, and professionally while acting as the patient’s advocate.
- Eighty-five percent of the graduates will demonstrate overall competence by successfully passing the NCLEX licensure exam (on the first attempt).
Nursing Courses
An introduction to the Victor Valley College Associate Degree Nursing Program and the nursing profession. Emphasis is on the nursing process and fundamentals of nursing; including risk management, health promotion, psycho-social aspects, electrolyte and acid-base management, and the perioperative experience practiced in various clinical settings and the classroom laboratory.
Prerequisite(s): ALDH 60
Lecture Hours: 126.0; Lab Hours: 270.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
The Nursing Process applied to family nursing and the childbearing family, the adaptations of nursing care for various stages of growth and development, and the nursing management required in common adult conditions; e.g., nutritional, tissue perfusion, elimination.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 221, Minimum grade C
Lecture Hours: 90.0; Lab Hours: 270.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
This course will synthesize and correlate nursing knowledge and skills in providing care to multiple patients who have complex, multi-system illnesses. Focus will be for the students to predict patient needs and priorities, and evaluate outcomes of care. Associated psychomotor skills will be integrated and practiced.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 222, Minimum grade C
Lecture Hours: 90.0; Lab Hours: 270.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
The Nursing Process applied with a holistic view to multi-system problems with a comprehensive approach in the hospital and community setting. Clinical experience demonstrates the use of legal, ethical, and leadership principles, and the ability to function with minimum supervision as a preceptee.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 223, Minimum grade C
Lecture Hours: 90.0; Lab Hours: 270.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
This optional nursing course provides an introduction to critical care nursing concepts with an emphasis on clients with complex cardiac and respiratory problems, seen primarily in the critical care environment. Pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment and nursing implication for patients in the critical care area will be discussed. This course will primarily benefit students going into their third semester of nursing. Grade Option.
Prerequisite(s): Licensed as a Registered Nurse or Licensed Vocational Nurse and/or NURS 222, Minimum grade C
Lecture Hours: 36.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only