Music is the study of the language of sound and its effect on the minds and souls of creator, performer and listener. It is one of the few academic disciplines to deal extensively with the development of the creative side of personhood; in that sense it is one of the most wholly “human” of the humanities. The creative problem-solving skills and discipline of music studies prepare students for a wide range of life’s activities and pursuits. The Music Department offers a wide range of classes, providing opportunities for transfer music majors, music for general studies students, and the opportunity for student and community musicians of all skill levels to participate in a wide variety of performance ensembles.
Career Opportunities
Performance (Instrumental or vocal), Composition and Arranging, Education, History, Publishing, Business, Community Engagement
Miskell, Karen
Welch, Brigham
- California State University, San Bernardino: Music major
- University of California, Riverside: Music major
Transfer music majors are required to begin major courses at the freshman level. In addition, music majors must be enrolled in the appropriate performance ensemble each semester. The Music Department offers periodic workshops for transfer majors to insure that students are aware of the curriculum requirements of transfer institutions and such additional concerns as concert attendance, juries, entrance proficiency exams and scholarship and performance auditions.
For the most up-to-date information on these programs and others, visit Please stop by the Transfer Center in Building 23 or make an appointment with the department chair if you have questions.
Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are statements of the kind of learning a program hopes a student will achieve. The PLOs describe the knowledge, skills, problem-solving, communication and values that apply to all certificates and/or degrees within that program.
Upon completion of this program, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic structure of music (through music theory).
- Demonstrate fluency with the language of music in written and aural form (through musicianship).
- Perform on a principle instrument or voice at a college sophomore level (through applied music).
- Perform effectively in a musical ensemble (through performing ensemble).
- Utilize a piano keyboard to demonstrate and apply musical concepts (through piano proficiency).
Music Courses
This course is a general introduction to the art of music, its nature, history, materials and vocabulary. The course examines the historical and contemporary value of music to the individual and society. Consideration will also be given to structural organizations of music composition and the characteristic styles of historical periods and important individuals. C-ID: MUS 100.
Lecture Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
A beginning study of the basic elements of music, including pitch and rhythm recognition, key signatures, intervals, time signatures, major and minor scales and triads. Useful to those wishing to learn to sight read or play an instrument, and for those who wish to write music. C-ID: MUS 110.
Lecture Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
The study of music theory centering on basic four-part diatonic harmonic practices. Use of triads in root position in major and minor modes, introduction to inversions and Dominant seventh chords; principles of voice leading including doubling, spacing, voice ranges, part crossings, basic harmonic progression,cadence types and melodic construction; introduction to phrase level form. Emphasis on written and aural analysis, and creative application of concepts to musical composition. Required for those majoring in music and useful to those desiring to write or arrange music for any purpose.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 101 or equivalent knowledge as demonstrated by pretest.
Lecture Hours: 36.0; Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Continuation of MUSC 102 Comprehensive theory study centering on basic four-part diatonic harmonic practices. Use of triads in all positions, principles of voice leading, harmonic progression, form at the phrase structure and cadence level, non harmonic tones, and melodic construction; introduction to non-dominant 7th chords, two part counterpoint and modulation. Emphasis on written and aural analysis, and creative application of concepts in a technology supported interactive classroom/lab environment. Required for those majoring in music and useful to those desiring to write or arrange music for any purpose. C-ID: MUS 130.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 102, Minimum grade C
Lecture Hours: 36.0; Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
This course utilizes in class and computer based modalities to apply and develop the rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic materials of Music Theory I through ear training, sight singing, analysis, and dictation. C-ID: MUS 125.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 101, Minimum grade C
Lecture Hours: 1.13; Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
This course uses in-classroom and computer based modalities to develop the rhythmic, melodic and harmonic materials of musci theory II through ear training, sight singing, analysis and dictation. C-ID: MUS 135.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 104, Minimum grade C
Co-requisite(s): MUSC 103
Lecture Hours: 1.13; Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
This course offers practical keyboard facility, sight reading, elementary improvisation and harmonization of folk melodies, and performance of simple piano selections. Useful to those desiring to learn to play the piano, organ, or electronic keyboards. C-ID: MUS 170.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
This course is a continuation of MUSC 110 and offers practical keyboard facility, sight reading, elementary improvisation and harmonization of folk melodies, and performance of simple piano selections. Useful to those desiring to learn to play the piano, organ or electronic keyboards. C-ID: MUS 171.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 110, Minimum grade C
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
A survey of music in American life and culture from colonial times to the present, including both popular and art music styles.
Lecture Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
A survey of jazz from 1900 to the present, including definitions of jazz, African and European heritage, blues, Dixieland, ragtime, boogie woogie, swing, bop, cool, funky, gospel, third stream, free form and fusion. Lecture and structured listening and viewing.
Lecture Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
This course will discuss the unfolding of rock and roll as a modern musical genre. It will also discuss societal influence on its development as well as its impact on modern society. Other styles of contemporary commercial music will be discussed and analyzed within the general historical scope of this survey.
Lecture Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Coordinates the development of the music major's performance proficiency in their primary instrument or voice. Student will take a minimum of fifteen half hour lessons per semester with a teacher approved by the Music Department and a minimum of three hours of on campus practice each week. All applied students will perform on faculty/student recitals and jury exams. Prerequisite: placement audition. C-ID: MUS 160.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Coordinates the development of the music major's performance proficiency in the second level of their primary instrument. Student will take a minimum of fifteen half hour lessons per semester with a teacher approved by the Music Department and at least three hours of practice on campus each week. All applied students will perform on faculty/student recitals and jury exams. C-ID: MUS 160.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 120A, Minimum grade C
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Fundamental techniques of proper voice production including healthy use of the voice for speaking and singing. Teaches proper relaxation and support techniques, speech intensification, vocal freedom and resonance, and emotional support for the singing and speaking process. Designed to meet the needs of those who use their voices for solo and/or ensemble singing or in such vocally intense activities as teaching, group leading, sales, coaching, or for those taking courses in speech communication and acting.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Continued study of the techniques of proper voice production to develop healthy use of the voice for speaking and singing. Includes the study of English and basic Italian diction.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 122, Minimum grade C
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
The study and performance of music for the beginning guitarist, teaching basic guitar technique and music reading skills through simple guitar pieces. Some in-class performance required.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
This course offers the further study and performance of music for the beginning guitarist. It gives the student with minimal knowledge of guitar performance the opportunity to learn basic reading skills through simple guitar pieces. Some public performance will be required.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
This course offers the study and performance of music for guitar ensemble. It gives the student with basic knowledge of guitar performance skill the opportunity to perform in an ensemble setting. Some public performance will be required. Repetition provides for increased skill development. C-ID: MUS 185. This course is repeatable 3 times.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 124 or MUSC 125, Minimum grade C
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
A treble choir of female voices to perform repertoire from all styles and periods of music written or arranged for treble choir. Some songs may be sung in languages other than English. Emphasis on the development of the total choral musicianship skills of each singer within the group context. Choir will perform at various college and community functions. Repeatable 3 times.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Prerequisite: Solo audition. Applicant should possess strong basic choral/vocal skills and experience in choral singing; i.e., ability to sing on pitch with a well supported, clear choral tone; strong ear able to retain and accurately recall parts learned; basic sight reading skills; team player willing to take direction. Number of singers accepted in any section may be limited by the requirements of part balance and the repertoire planned for that semester. A chamber choral ensemble of mixed voices to perform at various college and community functions. Emphasis on development of total choral musicianship skills of each singer. Grade Option. C-ID: MUS 180. This course is repeatable 3 times.
Lab Hours: 108.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Prerequisite: Solo audition to determine ability to match pitch, sing in tune, carry a harmony part, level of music reading. Prior choral experience in a high school, college/university, community or church choir desirable. A large choral ensemble dedicated to the performance of major choral works from all musical periods, often with orchestra. Group may tour from time to time in the United States and abroad. Membership open by audition to all students as well as to members of the community. C-ID: MUS 180. This course is repeatable 3 times.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
A course to prepare the vocal and instrumental music for the college's musical theater and opera productions. Students will play lead, supporting or ensemble roles or participate in the pit orchestra as determined by audition. Prerequisite: Demonstrated musical and dramatic skills as evidenced by audition. Pass/No Pass.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
The study and performance of standard band literature composed for the intermediate level wind ensemble. Proper breathing and phrasing techniques will be emphasized along with specific instrument performance technique. Prerequisite: Student must audition. Pass/No Pass.
Lab Hours: 27.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
Prerequisite: Appropriate level of musical performance skill as demonstrated by audition. The study and performance of standard college large wind ensemble literature, stressing the proper playing and performance techniques. The development of warm up skills, scale studies, rhythmic refinement, and the full range of wind ensemble techniques will be emphasized. Public performance required. C-ID: MUS 180. This course is repeatable 3 times.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Prerequisite: Student must audition. This course provides playing experience in the fields of dance, jazz, rock and popular music. Accurate execution and consistent style will be emphasized. Attention will also be given to improvisation, sight reading, ear training and performance practice skills. Public performances at the college and in the community. C-ID: MUS 185. This course is repeatable 3 times.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Prerequisite: Student must audition. Study and performance of commercial music styles written and arranged for choir in jazz, rock, gospel and popular styles. Development in healthy commercial vocal techniques, sight singing skills, ear training, improvisation and ensemble performance skills will be emphasized. Public performances at college and community concerts.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Prerequisite: Student must audition. A study and performance of the priciples and skills needed for performing in various commercial music styles in small combos. Emphasis on ensemble skills, improvisation, ear training, music theory, stylistic interpretation and performance practices. Public performances at college and community concerts.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
A study and performance of standard string orchestra literature. Proper left hand position, bowing techniques and appropriate performance practices will be emphasized. College and community performances. Prerequisite: Student must audition. Pass/No Pass.
Lab Hours: 27.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
A study and performance of standard full orchestral literature. Emphasis on ensemble skills, ear training and performance practices. Prerequisite: Appropriate level of performance on instrument as demonstrated by audition. Pass/No Pass. This course is repeatable 3 times.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
This course will explore small ensemble literature and performance from the Renaissance to the present for various small ensembles of wind and brass instruments. Specific technical skills will be addressed including breathing, phrasing, tonguing, and ornamentation practices. Student should check with the music program to determine what specific instrumental groupings will be formed that semester. Public performances are required. Prerequisite: Appropriate level of musical performance skill as demonstrated by audition. Pass/No Pass.
Lab Hours: 27.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
The study of chromatic harmonic practices, including all types of seventh chords, dominant seventh and leading tone seventh functions, secondary dominants and secondary leading tone chords, altered non harmonic tones, modulation to closely related keys, borrowed chords and introduction to Neapolitan and augmented 6th chords. C-ID: MUS 140.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 103, Minimum grade C
Lecture Hours: 36.0; Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Completes the chromatic harmony studies begun in MUSC 202 through use of foreign/ enharmonic modulations, borrowed and augmented chords, Neapolitan and other sixth chords, chromatic third relation harmony and nineth, eleventh and thirteenth chords, and introduces 20th century concepts including impressionism, bitonality, atonality,12 tone and set theory, minimalism and new rhythmic concepts. C-ID: MUS 150.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 202, Minimum grade C
Lecture Hours: 36.0; Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
This course uses in class and computer based applications to develop the rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic materials of Intermediate Theory I through ear training, sight singing, analysis, and dictation. C-ID: MUS: 145.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 105, Minimum grade C
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
This course applies and develops, through in class and computer aided instruction, the rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic materials of Music Theory IV through ear training, sight singing, analysis, and dictation. C-ID: MUS 155.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 204, Minimum grade C
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Prerequisite: MUSC 111. This course offers the continued development of keyboard facility from MUSC 111 including harmonization of given melodies using appropriate intermediate accompaniments, furthered exploration of piano repertoire and related skills, styles, and technical exercises. Two octave major and minor scales, arpeggios, and harmonization skills will be explored.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 111, Minimum grade C
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
This course offers the continuation and development of practical keyboard facility from MUSC 210, including sight reading, harmonization of given melodies through the use of appropriate accompaniments, exploration of piano repertory and related stylistic and technical exercises. Useful to those wishing to learn to sight read or play an instrument, and for those who wish to write music.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 210, Minimum grade C
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Coordinates the 3rd level of the development of the music major's performance proficiency in their primary instrument or voice. Student will take a minimum of fifteen half hour lessons per semester with a teacher approved by the Music Department and at least three hours of individual practice each week. Payment for lessons will be worked out directly between the teacher and student. All applied students will perform on faculty/student recitals and jury exams. C-ID: MUS 160.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 120B, Minimum grade C
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
Coordinates the 4th level of the development of the music major's performance proficiency in their primary instrument or voice. Student will take a minimum of fifteen half hour lessons per semester with a teacher approved by the Music Department and at least three hours of practice on campus each week. Payment for lessons will be worked out directly between the teacher and student. All applied students will perform on faculty/student recitals and jury exams. C-ID: MUS 160.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 220A, Minimum grade C
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
Study of the techniques of proper voice production to develop healthy use of the voice for speaking and singing. Includes the study of basic German singing diction.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 122, Minimum grade C
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Further study of the techniques of proper voice production to develop healthy use of the voice for speaking and singing. Includes the study of basic French singing diction.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 122, Minimum grade C
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
Noncredit Music Courses
A large choral ensemble dedicated to the performance of major choral works from all musical periods, often with orchestra. Group may tour periodically in the United States and abroad. Membership open by solo audition to determine ability to match pitch, sing in tune, carry a harmony part, level of music reading. Prior choral experience in a high school,college/university, community or church choir desirable but not required. This course will not apply to the Associates Degree.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Not transferable
The study and performance of standard college large wind ensemble literature, stressing the proper playing and performance techniques. The development of warm up skills, scale studies, rhythmic refinement, and the full range of wind ensemble techniques will be emphasized. Public performance required. Prerequisite: Appropriate level of musical performance skill as demonstrated by audition.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Not transferable
A study and performance of standard orchestral literature. Public performances at college and community concerts and events. Open by audition. Prerequisite: Ability to play a standard orchestral instrument at a skill level sufficient for the repertoire being performed. This course will not apply to the Associates Degree.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Not transferable
Prerequisite: College level skill as demonstrated by audition. Provides playing experience in the fields of dance, jazz, rock and popular music. Accurate execution and consistent style will be emphasized, along with improvisation, sight reading, ear training and performance practice skills. Public performances at college and community concerts. Open by audition. This course will not apply to the Associates Degree.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Not transferable
The class will explore small ensemble literature for various groupings of wind and brass instruments, including study of music from many periods. Student should check with the music program to determine what specific instrumental groupings will be formed that semester. Open by audition. Public performances required. This course will not apply to the Associates Degree.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Not transferable