VVC’s Library Science courses help students expand their knowledge of information literacy, develop research skills, improve their abilities to find and evaluate information resources in a variety of formats, and weed out misinformation or biased sources. Students with effective information and digital literacy skills will be more successful in community college and university classes that require research papers; these skills are also applicable to workforce success and for personal information needs, self-development and lifelong learning.
Grenot, Teresa
Huiner, Leslie
Reed, Yvonne
Library Science Courses
This course teaches information and digital literacy skills applicable to college success, professional workplace and personal lifelong learning. Students will study the physiological, social and psychological aspects of information while developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills related to research. Students will utilize information sources such as online databases, traditional library resources, websites, and digital media to locate, evaluate and communicate information responsibly and ethically. Students will create and communicate information with collaborative technologies to develop digital literacy skills. , UC
Lecture Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU