Geography is a spatial science that explains and describes the Earth in terms of location. All Geographers ask questions about the earth focusing on the location of a place and how that location contributes to the attributes of that place. Place names serve as the framework for this exploration. The primary tools used by geographers are maps, which show the locations, patterns and distribution of the earth features being examined. All geographers compare and contrast this locational information in order to explain the similarities and differences of the physical and cultural environments of the earth and its inhabitants. As a result, geographers are also called spatial analysts. The discipline of Geography is considered a Social and Global Science
There are two broad categories of Geography: Physical and Cultural. Physical geographers look at the earth’s physical characteristics. Included are such topics that relate to the earth’s natural environment such as earth-sun relationships, weather and climate, flora and fauna, rocks and minerals, earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain building, gradational forces and land form distribution. Cultural Geographers examine the present-day earth in terms of its people, their organizations, languages, religions, economic systems, population and settlement patterns.
Cultural Geographers examine the present-day earth in terms of its people, their organizations, languages, religions, economic systems, population and settlement patterns.
Career Opportunities
A geographer is trained with spatial awareness and geographic problem solving skills. We meld our social science skills and knowledge with our expertise in the physical and geosciences. Geospatial Technology, including Geographic Information Systems (GIS), is a rapidly growing interconnected data science field and one that is applicable in many employment settings. Geographers are especially equipped to perform spatial analysis in a variety of careers.
There are job opportunities in a wide-range of fields, as you can see below. Most of the following career paths require at least a specific certificate or a bachelor’s degree.
- Aerial Photographer Interpreter
- Anthropologist
- Biogeographer
- Cartographer
- City Planner
- Climatologist
- County Planner
- Demographer
- Ecologist
- Economist
- Educator
- Environmental Analyst
- Epidemiologist
- GIS Specialist
- Government Analyst (Central Intelligence, Defense, Drug Enforcement, Interior, Energy, State, etc.)
- Hydrologist
- Industrial Location Specialist
- Intelligence
- International Trade Relations
- Marketing Analyst
- Meteorologist
- Paleoclimatologist
- Political Redistricting Analyst
- Political Science Analyst
- Natural Resources (Planner, Manager, Specialist, Technician)
- Soil Scientist
- Transportation (Planner, Manager, Technician)
- Travel Specialist
- Water Resources (Planner, Manager, Specialist, Technician)
DiBartolo, Brian
- California State University, San Bernardino: Geography with Geography or Global Studies options major
University of California, Riverside: Geography and Global Studies majors - University of California, Los Angeles: Global Studies major
- University of California, Santa Barbara: Geography with Geographic Information Science option and Physical Geography majors
For the most up-to-date information on these programs and others, visit Please stop by the Transfer Center in Building 23 or make an appointment with a counselor if you have questions.
Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are statements of the kind of learning a program hopes a student will achieve. The PLOs describe the knowledge, skills, problem-solving, communication and values that apply to all certificates and/or degrees within that program.
Upon completion of this program, students should be able to:
- Identify and describe basic concepts and patterns related to earth’s physical and cultural environment. KNOWLEDGE.
- Demonstrate geographic literacy and written competency in the description and analysis of geographic themes. CRITICAL THINKING.
- Demonstrate competency in utilizing the basic tools and techniques of data collection, display and analysis. APPLICATION.
Geography Courses
An introduction to the fundamental concepts of geography with emphasis on the physical world, its components and interrelationships. Topics include earth/sun relationships, atmospheric elements and weather, climate and seasons, earthquakes and volcanoes, rocks and minerals, oceans and coastlines, glaciers, and landform distribution, methods of map reading and interpretation. Current environmental issues relating to these topics are emphasized. C-ID: GEOG 110.
Lecture Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
An interactive exploration of earth's weather and climate, vegetation and soils, rocks and minerals, earthquakes and volcanoes. Tectonic forces are studied as relating to landform destruction and creation. Gradational forces are studied as relating to the processes of water, wind and ice. C-ID: GEOG 111.
Co-requisite(s): GEOG 101
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
An examination of world cultures wth emphasis on globalization, population and settlement patterns, economic activities, languages, political and religious institutions. C-ID: GEOG 120.
Lecture Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
A study of California's physical and cultural characteristics. Physical topics covered include earthquakes, fires, landslides, floods and volcanoes. Cultural topics include diversity, immigration, urbanization, agriculture and economics. C-ID: GEOG 140.
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
An examination of the world's countries within their global regions with emphasis on their physical and cultural attributes. Variations within and among these global regions are explored. C-ID: GEOG 125.
Lecture Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Introduction to maps, images and geographic techniques. Technologies include map and aerial photograph interpretation, tabular data, spatial statistics, cartography, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Internet mapping, remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) that aid in data collection, analysis and presentation.
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
GIS basics and applications are explored, including terminology, mapping and problem solving. Current GIS software applications and GPS navigational systems are utilized.
Lecture Hours: 36.0; Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
An examination of Earth's atmospheric systems: solar energy, temperature, pressure, wind, humidity and precipitation. Also included are tornadoes and hurricanes, climate systems and change. C-ID: GEOG 130.
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only