Victor Valley College does not offer an Engineering program for transfer, but does however offer preparatory courses needed for transfer for transfer into a School of Engineering. These course’s are offered through our Engineering Drafting and Design Program, Physics, and Electronics Programs. Students can obtain Engineering related certificates that will assist in preparing them to enter into a School of Engineering at the university level. An Associate of Science for Transfer degree in Mathematics or an Associate of Science in Math/Science is highly recommended for those students wanting to transfer into a School of Engineering. Students seeking an Associate of Science degree in Engineering Drafting and Design are positioned to enter straight into the workforce.
Engineers seek to understand and solve a broad range of technical problems faced by our society. Engineers are responsible for such projects as converting raw materials and power sources into useful products, developing scientific equipment, and designing and planning the construction of buildings, highways, and rapid transit systems. As society becomes more technologically complex, so do the ever-emerging branches of engineering. The rigorous curriculum of engineering programs is for high achieving students who have developed good study habits and possess a strong math and science background. No associate degree is offered with a major in Engineering from Victor Valley College. Because the math and science requirements are so extensive, students usually pursue an associate degree with a major in AS-T Mathematics or AS Math/Science.
Career Opportunities
Mechanical Engineer, CAD Operator, Chemical Engineer, Computer Engineer, Electrical Drafter, Electronics Drafter, Electrical Engineer, Mechanical Drafter, Public Works Technician, Steel Fabricator Drafter, Structural Engineer, Structural Drafter
Rubayi, Khalid
- UC campuses offering Engineering majors include: Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Santa Barbara, San Diego, Santa Cruz, Riverside and Los Angeles.
- CSU Campuses offering Engineering majors include: Dominguez Hills, Chico, Fresno, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Northridge, Pomona, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, San Luis Obispo, Sonoma, and Maritime Academy.
- Private schools offering Engineering majors include: University of Southern California, Stanford, CalTech, and Harvey Mudd College
Engineering is a highly competitive transfer degree which is impacted at many universities. There are over 200 different career fields in the Engineering area. The following courses are minimal requirements for most engineering majors: CHEM 100 Introductory Chemistry, CHEM 201 General Chemistry, CHEM 202 General Chemistry; MATH 226 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I, MATH 227 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II; PHYS 201 Engineering Physics I-Mechanics, PHYS 202 Engineering Physics II -½Fluids, Sound, and Thermodynamics, PHYS 203 Engineering Physics III Electricity½and Magnetism; & ENGD 110 Introduction to 2-D AutoCAD. IGETC or CSU General Education-Breadth Requirements are not always appropriate for an engineering major.
For the most up-to-date information on these programs and others, visit Please stop by the Transfer Center in Building 23 or make an appointment with a counselor if you have questions.
Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are statements of the kind of learning a program hopes a student will achieve. The PLOs describe the knowledge, skills, problem-solving, communication and values that apply to all certificates and/or degrees within that program.
Upon completion of this program, students should be able to:
- To discuss the key components of design, process, layout, and function as it relates to the real world.
- To create compelling two and three dimensional projects that meet current industry standards.
Engineering Drafting Courses
This survey course will explore the basic techniques used in the drafting industry. The course will emphasize proper use of hand drafting instruments, lettering, and line quality. Course includes work in the fields of architectural, engineering and mechanical drafting.
Lecture Hours: 36.0; Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
A course designed to develop the skills necessary to interpret both residential and commercial construction drawings and blueprints.
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
An introduction to the AutoCAD program including all necessary basic commands required for computer aided drafting. Students will master drawing setup, common draw, edit and view commands, and plotting. Lectures and exercises are designed to provide a comprehensive knowledge of all basic computer drafting functions. Grade option.
Lecture Hours: 36.0; Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
Solid Modeling and Three Dimensional CADD will introduce students to a new Autodesk software package entitled INVENTOR. Students will understand the concepts involved in Parametric Modeling. Students will begin by constructing basic shapes and proceed to building intelligent solid models and create multi-view drawings. Assembly drawings, section views, auxiliary views,sheet metal drawings, and details will also be produced. Students will develop their drafting and computer skills through drawings and projects that emphasize teamwork and the design process. Students will also learn various hardware, software and peripheral components related to operating a CADD station.
Lecture Hours: 36.0; Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
This course is designed to introduce the student to three-dimensional parametric solid modeling with SolidWorks. Students will begin with basic parametric solid modeling techniques and advance into complex assemblies requiring animation.
Lecture Hours: 36.0; Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
A working knowlege of AutoCAD is necessary. This course will explore the more advanced two-dimensional features of the AutoCAD program including entity filters, attributes, external reference files, paper space and slide presentations. Projects include sectional description of compound shapes and developments.
Recommended Preparation: ENGD 110
Lecture Hours: 36.0; Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only