The study of Business Education Technologies is designed to prepare students for a variety of careers in high-tech business offices. Transfer level courses are available for students preparing for a bachelor’s degree. The Associate in Science degree and Certificates of Achievement and Career Preparation are awarded.
Career Opportunities
Administrative Assistant, Data Entry, Desktop Publishing, Executive Secretary, General Clerk, Office Manager, Receptionist, Stenographer, Teacher, Typist, Transcription Machine Operator
Becker, Barbara
The following CSU campuses offer a BS degree in Business Education for students who plan to teach business in grades 7-12:
- California State University, Los Angeles
- California State University, Northridge
Not usually a transfer major. Some Business Education Technologies courses fulfill subject credit requirements, but most transfer as electives. For the most up-to-date information on these programs and others, visit Please stop by the Transfer Center in Building 23 or make an appointment with a counselor if you have questions.
Programs of Study
- Administrative Assistant Certificate of Achievement
- Business Education Technology, AS
- Computer Systems I Certificate of Career Preparation
- Computer Systems II Certificate of Achievement
- Medical Office Certificate of Achievement
- Office Services Certificate of Achievement
- Spreadsheet Processor Certificate of Career Preparation
- Word Processor Certificate of Career Preparation
Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are statements of the kind of learning a program hopes a student will achieve. The PLOs describe the knowledge, skills, problem-solving, communication and values that apply to all certificates and/or degrees within that program.
Upon completion of this program, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate the ability to use software, and peripheral components at their own direction in a business environment.
- Implement and relate skills to communicate and produce professional business documents in an office environment.
- Demonstrate the ability to competently use a wide variety of office equipment.
- Demonstrate general research standards to analyze online documentation to produce and integrate material.
- Demonstrate proper techniques to complete tasks thoroughly and precisely.
- Identify and apply appropriate features of Microsoft Office applications to prepare correctly formatted business documents.
- Identify and apply appropriate features of Microsoft Excel applications to prepare correctly formatted business documents.
- Identify and apply appropriate features of Microsoft Word applications to prepare correctly formatted business documents.
Business Education Technologies Courses
Develop proofreading skills necessary to meet high levels of accuracy. Reviews basic business English skills. Punctuation, word usage, sentence and paragraph structure practice-exercises are done on the microcomputer. Progress at your pace.
Lecture Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Not transferable
Develop workplace competence using the ten-key numeric touch method in business applications.
Lecture Hours: 36.0; Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Not transferable
This course is designed to fit the needs of each student and develops keyboarding/typing speed for continuing to higher level courses or developing job skills by intensive training and practice.
Lecture Hours: 36.0; Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Not transferable
Introduction to Microsoft Office software. This course is directed to those with little or no computer experience. It will introduce basic essential elements of computers such as: power up, hardware components, evolution of computers, types of personal computers, the input-process-output cycle, desktop components, email, and the World Wide Web.
Lecture Hours: 36.0; Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
This course is individualized to fit the needs of each student and develop basic alpha/numeric keyboarding skills on the computer. Emphasis is on achieving a straight-copy speed of 20 gross words a minute with a predetermined error limit.
Lecture Hours: 9.0; Lab Hours: 27.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
This course introduces students to Word for Windows. Students will develop a working knowledge of this current software package to prepare documents. Grade Option.
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
This course is designed to teach students concepts and business skills of the Internet including creating an e-mail account; creating, editing, and printing effective web pages; and understanding Internet technologies and security.
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
This course offers spreadsheet operations for creating, editing, formatting, and enhancing charts in worksheets. Students learn to manage workbooks and prepare them for the web. Students plan, create, and then filter lists using Excel's database.
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
Familiarity with computers is recommended. Introduces database concepts through advanced skill levels including advanced queries, briefcase replication, macros and use of Visual Basic for applications code.
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
This course is designed to build speed and skills learned in Beginning Typing/Keyboarding, using the current version of Microsoft Word and Keyboarding Pro with an emphasis of attaining straight copy rate of 45-60 gross wpm with a predetermined error limit. Additionally, students will develop skills needed to effectively format a variety of business documents.
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
Develop machine transcription skills used in a typical law firm. Learn to prepare legal documents and correspondence.
Recommended Preparation: BET 104
Lecture Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
Develop machine transcription skills for a medical transcriber. Learn use and meaning of medical terminology used in Allied Health field.
Recommended Preparation: BET 104
Lecture Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
Introduces students to word processing transcription of business letters and memos.
Recommended Preparation: BET 104
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
Principles and procedures of establishing and maintaining records systems in the use of alphabetic, geographic, numeric, and subject filing systems.
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
This course is designed to teach students concepts and business skills of PowerPoint including creating, editing, and printing effective presentations. Students learn advanced PowerPoint features such as creating graphs and tables, and customizing, and inserting artwork, WordArt, and slide show effects. Students learn embedded concepts and business skills of PowerPoint. The concepts and skills include working with embedded and linked objects, hyperlinks, and delivering and publishing presentations.
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
This class is designed to introduce students to the basic functions of Microsoft Office WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, and ACCESS, as well as a brief overview of operating systems and the Internet.
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
This course is designed for the student who is familiar with word processing functions and formatting principles. topics will include terminology and methodology used in a variety of business careers by applying formatting and keyboarding skills to complex professional document including letters, memos, forms, tables and reports. Grade Option.
Recommended Preparation: BET 104 and the Ability to use word processing functions to create, format and edit advanced business documents.
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
This course is designed to teach students practical, professional quality publications using the current version of Microsoft Publisher.
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
Introduction to Windows operating system and features through extensive hands-on exercises.
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
Students will learn practical application of current automated office procedures, duties, and human relations. Specific topics include telephone, electronic mail, Internet activities, data entry, reference resources, job seeking, mail and shipping services and procedures, office relations, office etiquette and dress, time management, travel arrangements, meetings, minutes, and office equipment. Development of critical thinking skills and decision-making skills throughout the course.
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
This is a technical course to develop a proficiency in written business communication. A comprehensive review of proofreading, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and letter and memo formats emphasizes the function of business English in various types of business communication. Grade Option.
Lecture Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
No prerequisite. Recommended preparation: BET 104. It is recommended that students have basic computer/Internet skills, including the ability to download documents; use basic word processing to create, open, and save documents in either RTF or Word format; send and receive emails; and navigate the Internet and various websites. This course is designed for Business Education Technologies to create proficiency in the mechanics of writing, reading, and critically analyzing various types of business correspondence. Principles of communication psychology as they apply to human relations are employed to solve business communications problems, and writing styles in business correspondence and report format are analyzed. Grammar, proofreading, and editing are reviewed. Grade Option.
Lecture Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
Independent Study/Office Ssytems - Practical experience, activities, or individual project(s) based on skills learned in previously completed Business Office Technology courses.
Transfer: Not transferable