A general introduction to tutoring and skills needed to be an effective tutor. Includes theories of learning and practical applications. Training in learning styles, using questioning techniques, college resources, prioritizing feedback,and modeling will be provided. Individual differences in learning styles will be discussed and the importance of encouraging independence and good study habits will be stressed. Students will participate in supervised tutoring in Tutoring and Academic Support.
Lecture Hours: 18.0
Transfer: Not transferable
Supervised tutoring course that provides students assistance in understanding college course assignments. Individualized/small group tutoring and Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions are conducted outside of class time in a learning assistance center and are structured to help students achieve specific course objectives or improve learning and study skills in the specific subject. The content of this course varies according to the course for which tutoring is sought. May be repeated. Open entry/open exit.
Lab Hours: 960.0
Transfer: Not transferable