Theatre Arts (TA)

TA 101  Introduction to Theatre  (3.0 Units)  

An introductory course of the history, the performers, the purpose and the perspective of theatre. Students will be introduced to the basic forms of theatre and disciplines involved in producing a play. Emphasis is on defining and experiencing the role of theatre in society. C-ID: THTR 111.

Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 102  History of Theatre  (3.0 Units)  

A survey course designed to introduce the student to a history of the world's theatrical experiences from primitive times to the present. An examination of the physical theatre and methods of staging drama from the days of the caveman to theatre of the avant-garde.

Lecture Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 104  Oral Interpretation of Literature  (3.0 Units)  

A course designed for the student to learn to interpret literature for an audience. Students will learn and be evaluated on: doing performance anlyses, developing relevant introductions, communicating a relevant theme, executing proper character placement and focus, using effective vocal skills, using effective physical involvement. Students will demonstrate proficiency in the above through solo and ensemble class presentations.

Lecture Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 106  Beginning Acting  (3.0 Units)  

Introduction to the basic principles and techniques of acting as an artistic discipline. Emphasis on pantomime, exercises, vocal techniques and scene work. The ultimate goal is to develop a firm foundation in basic acting techniques. C-ID: THTR 151.

Lecture Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 107  Intermediate Acting  (3.0 Units)  

This course provides the student an opportunity to enhance acting skills, and to develop and intensify dramatic ability by advancing the understanding of skills presented in Beginning Acting. The student will be introduced to the tporcess of analyzing character through lecture, demonstration, exercises, and the rehearsal and presentation of scenes from published texts.

Recommended Preparation: TA-106

Lecture Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 109  Rehearsal & Performance Studio  (3.0 Units)  

This course will provide study and laboratory explanation in all aspects of play production involving the actor in order to develop their acting capabilities, skills and discipline. The audition, preparation and presentational phases of the acting process will be explored under the supervision and guidance of a faculty director. Productions will be presented for public performance. Enrollment is for the duration of the preparation and presentation phases of production. Prerequisite: Qualify for cast at auditions. C-ID: THTR 191.

Recommended Preparation: TA-106

Lecture Hours: 18.0; Lab Hours: 108.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 110  Principles of Design for Theatre  (3.0 Units)  

An introductory course in design principles as applied to the theatre in the areas of lighting, costuming, makeup, and set design. Students will apply concepts of texture, line, space, color and perspective to the various design aspects in theatre through specific 2-D and 3-D exercises.

Lecture Hours: 36.0; Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 111  Technical Stage Production  (3.0 Units)  

This course is an introduction to the tasks, responsibilities, and skills of stage technicians. Stage managing, construction techniques, stage equipment use and function of technical stage personnel are introduced to develop the student's design capabilities, skills and discipline in stage production. Students will serve as technical stage crew members in Theatre Arts Department productions.

Lecture Hours: 18.0; Lab Hours: 108.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 113  Stage Makeup  (3.0 Units)  

A course designed to introduce the student to the basic techniques and materials of stage make-up. Students will demonstrate understanding through actual make up, wig, and facial hair applications in the classroom. Grade Option. C-ID: THTR 175.

Lecture Hours: 18.0; Lab Hours: 108.0

Transfer: Transfers to CSU only

TA 114  Play Writing  (3.0 Units)  

Fundamentals of play development, including plot, character, structure, and theme. Course exercises will culminate in students creating their own scenes and plays.

Lecture Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 115  Stagecraft  (2-4 Units)  

An introduction course on the materials, tools and procedures of theatre set production including construction, painting, rigging, placement and manipulation of stage scenery, the organization and management of set pieces, and stagecraft terminology.

Lecture Hours: 18.0; Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 115.1  Stagecraft  (1.0 Units)  

An introductory course on the materials, tools and procedures of theatre set production including construction, painting, rigging, placement and manipulation of stage scenery, the organization and management of set pieces, and stagecraft terminology. Students are introduced to the fundamentals of set design, construction, painting and finishing. Course may be repeated 3 times for a maximum of 4 units.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 115.2  Stagecraft  (2.0 Units)  

An introduction course on the materials, tools and procedures of theatre set construction, painting stage scenery, stagecraft terminology.

Lab Hours: 108.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 115.3  Stagecraft  (3.0 Units)  

An introduction course on the materials, tools and procedures of theatre set construction, painting stage scenery, and stagecraft terminology.

Lab Hours: 162.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 115.4  Stagecraft  (4.0 Units)  

An introduction course on the materials, tools and procedures of theatre set construction, painting stage scenery, and stagecraft terminology.

Lab Hours: 216.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 116  Authors of the Theatre  (3.0 Units)  

A survey of playwrights from the Greeks to the present. The selected plays are read, discussed and analyzed. Crosslisted with ENGL 116.

Recommended Preparation: ENGL-101 or ENGL-H101

Lecture Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 117  Technical Theatre: Lighting and Sound  (3.0 Units)  

This course will provide the student with a theoretical and practical introduction to theatre technology. This course will cover the theatre plant, rigging, theatre personnel electrical theory, stage lighting and sound. C-ID: THTR 173.

Lecture Hours: 36.0; Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 120  Costuming for the Theatre  (3.0 Units)  

A basic course in the skills of costuming for the stage and the art of costume design. Costumes will be created for Victor Valley College theatre arts departmental productions. C-ID: THTR 174.

Lecture Hours: 18.0; Lab Hours: 108.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 124  Scenic Painting for the Theatre  (3.0 Units)  

This course is an introduction to the basic techniques and materials used in the painting of scenery for the stage. Scene painting techniques, practices and materials covered will include color mixing and matching, wood graining, faux painting techniques, glazing, creating foliage, stone and brick. Students may assist in painting sets for Victor Valley College Theatre Arts Departmental Productions.

Lecture Hours: 18.0; Lab Hours: 108.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 160A  Tap Dance IA  (1.0 Units)  

Students who would like to explore tap dancing for the first time will experience basic tap dancing techniques with the foundational sense of musicality. During this course, many essentials elements will be stressed: style, proper counting techniques, rhythm, interpretation of music and basic choreographic elements. Grade Option. Crosslisted with KIND 160A.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 160B  Tap Dance IB  (1.0 Units)  

Students who would like to further explore tap dancing after having some tap experience will expand on their basic tap dance techniques with the foundational sense of musicality. During this course, many essential elements will be stressed: style, proper counting techniques, rhythm,interpretation of music and basic choreographic elements. Emphasis will be placed on enhancing musical and rhythmic phrasing and performance clarity in movement combinations. Grade Option. Crosslisted with KIND 160B.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 160C  Tap Dance IC  (1.0 Units)  

Students who would like to further explore tap dancing after having some tap experience and preparing for Tap IIA will expand on their tap dance techniques with the foundational sense of musicality. During this course, many essential elements will be stressed: style, proper counting techniques, rhythm, interpretation of music and basic choreographic elements. Emphasis will be placed on enhancing musical and rhythmic phrasing and performance clarity in complex movement combinations , and the refinement of performance style. Grade Option. Crosslisted with KIND 160C.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 161A  Tap Dance IIA  (1.0 Units)  

Students who would like to explore tap dancing at an intermediate level for the first time after having had some tap dance will experience intermediate tap dancing techniques with the foundational sense of musicality. During this course, many essential elements will be stressed: style, proper counting techniques, rhythm, interpretation of music and basic choreographic elements. Grade Option. Crosslisted with KIND 161A.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 161B  Tap Dance IIB  (1.0 Units)  

Students who would like to further explore tap dance at an intermediate level after having had some tap dance will experience intermediate tap dance techniques with a fundamental sense of musicality. During this intermediate course a number of elements will be stressed: style, proper counting techniques, rhythm, interpretation of music and basic choreographic elements. Emphasis will be placed on enhancing musical and rhythmic phrasing, efficient alignment, and performance clarity in movement combinations. Grade Option. Crosslisted with KIND 161B.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to CSU only

TA 161C  Tap Dance IIC  (1.0 Units)  

Students who would like to further explore tap dance at an intermediate level,working towards Tap III, after having some tap dance will experience intermediate tap dance techniques with a fundamental sense of musicality. During this course a number of elements will be stressed: style, proper counting techniques, rhythm, interpretation of music and basic choreographic elements. Emphasis is placed on enhancing musical and rhythmic phrasing, efficient alignment, performance clarity in complex movement combinations, and the refinement of performance style. Grade Option. Crosslisted with KIND 161C.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to CSU only

TA 166A  Introduction to Ballet Dance IA  (1.0 Units)  

Students with no previous training or experience in ballet will explore introductory level ballet technique, style, and movement characteristics. Grade Option. Crosslisted with KIND 166A.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 166B  Building Ballet Basics IB  (1.0 Units)  

Students with introductory level ballet training will build and expand basic ballet technique, style, and movement characteristics. Grade Option. Crosslisted with KIND 166B.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to CSU only

TA 166C  Ballet Fundamentals IC  (1.0 Units)  

Students who have previous training in introductory Ballet IA and Building Ballet Basics IB will further explore and perfect their training in ballet fundamentals.Grade Option. Crosslisted with KIND 166C.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 167A  Introduction to Intermediate Ballet IIA  (1.0 Units)  

An introduction to the technique and style of beginning intermediate level Ballet IIA dance. This course is for the student who has taken Ballet I level courses. Emphasis on exploring the movement characteristics of beginning intermediate Ballet IIA dance through dancing. Grade Option. Crosslisted with KIND 167A.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 167B  Intermediate Ballet Dance IIB  (1.0 Units)  

Students who have been introduced to intermediate Ballet IIA will build and explore intermediate Ballet IIB skills and concepts. Grade Option. Crosslisted with KIND 167B.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 167C  Intermediate Ballet IIC  (1.0 Units)  

Students will explore and build advanced and intermediate ballet skills. See cross listing for KIND 167C.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to CSU only

TA 170A  Jazz Dance IA  (1.0 Units)  

Students who would like to explore jazz dance for the first time will experience basic jazz dance techniques with a fundamental sense of musicality. During this beginning course a number of elements will be stressed: style, proper counting techniques, rhythm, interpretation of music and basic choreographic elements. Grade Option. Crosslisted with KIND 170A.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 170B  Jazz Dance IB  (1.0 Units)  

Students who would like to further explore jazz dance after having some jazz dance experience will expand on their basic jazz dance techniques and fundamental sense of musicality. During this course a number of elements will be stressed: style, proper counting techniques, rhythm,interpretation of music and basic choreographic elements. Emphasis will be placed on enhancing musical and rhythmic phrasing, efficient alignment, and performance clarity in movement combinations. Other styles such as theater jazz may be incorporated. Grade Option. Crosslisted with KIND 170B.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 170C  Jazz Dance IC  (1.0 Units)  

Students who would like to further explore jazz dance after having some jazz dance experience, will expand on their jazz dance techniques and fundamental sense of musicality. During this course a number of elements will be stressed: style, proper counting techniques, rhythm, interpretation of music and basic choreographic elements. Emphasis is placed on enhancing musical and rhythmic phrasing, efficient alignment, performance clarity in complex movement combinations, and the refinement of performance style. Grade Option. Crosslisted with KIND 170C.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 171A  Jazz Dance IIA  (1.0 Units)  

Students who would like to explore jazz dance at an intermediate level for the first time after having had some jazz dance will experience intermediate jazz dance techniques with a fundamental sense of musicality. During this intermediate course a number of elements will be stressed: style, proper counting techniques, rhythm, interpretation of music and basic choreographic elements. Grade Option. Crosslisted with KIND 171A.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 171B  Jazz Dance IIB  (1.0 Units)  

Students who would like to further explore jazz dance at an intermediate level after having had some jazz dance will experience intermediate jazz dance techniques with a fundamental sense of musicality. During this intermediate course a number of elements will be stressed: style, proper counting techniques, rhythm, interpretation of music and basic choreographic elements. Emphasis will be placed on enhancing musical and rhythmic phrasing, efficient alignment, and performance clarity in movement combinations. Grade Option. Crosslisted with KIND 171B.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 171C  Jazz Dance IIC  (1.0 Units)  

Students who would like to further explore jazz dance at an intermediate level, working towards Jazz III, after having some jazz dance will experience intermediate jazz dance technique with a fundamental sense of musicality. During this course a number of elements will be stressed: style, proper counting techniques, rhythm, interpretation of music, and basic choreographic elements. Emphasis is placed on enhancing musical and rhythmic phrasing, efficient alignment, performance clarity in complex movement combinations, and the refinement of performance style. Grade Option. Crosslisted with KIND 171C.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 174A  Introduction to Modern Dance  (1.0 Units)  

Introduction to technique and stylization of modern dance. For the student who has never had modern dance or who is new to the beginning level of modern dance. Emphasis on exploring the movement characteristics of introductory level modern dance through dancing. Grade Option. Crosslisted with KIND 174A.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 175A  Introduction to Modern Dance II  (1.0 Units)  

Technique and stylization of introductory level modern dance II. This course is for the student who has taken Modern Dance I level classes. Emphasis on exploring the movement characteristics of introductory level modern dance II through dancing. Grade Option. Crosslisted with KIND 175A.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 180  Introduction to Classical Musical Theatr  (1.0 Units)  

This course is an in-depth performance experience focusing on styles of body movement indicative of Classical Musical Theatre stage productions (1943 - 1965). The fundamentals of Classical musical theatre dance will be introduced, including Classical Broadway jazz and tap-style genres. Concepts of the history of dance in Classical musical theatre will also be introduced. , UC See cross listing for TA 180. Grade Option

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 181  Introduction to Contemporary Musical the  (1.0 Units)  

This course is an in-depth performance experience focusing on styles of body movement indicative of Contemporary Musical Theatre stage productions (1966 - Present). The fundamentals of Contemporary musical theatre dance will be introduced, including Contemporary Broadway jazz and tap style genres. Concepts of the history of dance in Contemporary musical theatre dance will also be introduced. See cross listing for TA 181.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 182  Beginning Classical Musical Theatre Danc  (1.0 Units)  

Technique and style of beginning Classical theatre dance (1943 - 1965) will be explored. This course is an in-depth performance experience focusing on styles of body movement for Classical Musical Theatre stage productions. The fundamentals of Broadway style dance will be reviewed, including basic Classical jazz and tap. Classical Musical theatre dance genres will be introduced by category, including more sophisticated character stylization of Classical musical staging. Concepts of the history of Classical musical theatre dance will be further explored. Cross listed with TA 182.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 183  Beginning Contemporary Musical Theatre D  (1.0 Units)  

Technique and style of beginning Contemporary theatre dance (1966 - Present) will be explored. This course is an in-depth performance experience focusing on styles of body movement for Contemporary Musical Theatre stage productions. The fundamentals of Contemporary Broadway style dance will be reviewed, including basic Contemporary jazz and tap. Contemporary Musical theatre dance genres will be introduced by category, including more sophisticated character stylizations of Contemporary musical staging. Concepts of the history of Contemporary musical theatre dance will be further explored. See cross listing for TA 183.

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

TA 203  Script Analysis  (3.0 Units)  

This course will explore the principles involved in the analyzing of dramatic scripts, their form and structure, using Aristotelean analysis and other historical and scholarly critical traditions. Key concepts such as studying a playwright's intentions, methods and meanings will be covered. Students will apply these principles to diverse and representative examples from dramatic literature, and how these principles impact a production and performance.

Lecture Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to CSU only