Spanish (SPAN)

SPAN 101  Elementary Spanish  (5.0 Units)  

This course provides an introduction to the Spanish language and the culture of its speakers. Fundamentals of pronunciation, structure and Hispanic culture are studied to develop the ability to use and understand basic spoken and written Spanish. Special emphasis is given to development of oral and aural skills by in classroom exercises and assignment of activities to reinforce course content on the Internet. Proficiency equivalent to two years of high school Spanish. C-ID: SPAN 100.

Lecture Hours: 90.0; Lecture Hours: 5.63

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

SPAN 101A  Fundamentals of Spanish 101A  (3.0 Units)  

This course provides an introduction to Spanish language and culture. Fundamentals of pronunciation, structure, and Hispanic culture are studied. Special emphasis is given to development of oral and aural skills in the classroom and by use of computerized sources. SPAN 101A and SPAN 101B are equivalent to SPAN 101. Upon completion of SPAN 101A and 101B, will only accept five units for transfer.

Lecture Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

SPAN 101B  Fundamentals of Spanish 101B  (3.0 Units)  

This course is a continuation of SPAN 101A. It provides an introduction to Spanish language and culture. Fundamentals of pronunciation, structure, and Hispanic culture are studied. Special emphasis is given to development of oral and aural skills by in classroom exercises and assignment of activities to reinforce course content on the Internet. SPAN 101A and 101B combine to equal SPAN 101. Upon completion of SPAN 101A and 101B, will only accept five units for transfer. , UC

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 101A, Minimum grade C

Lecture Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

SPAN 102  Elementary Spanish  (5.0 Units)  

This course is a continuation of SPAN 101. Further study of fundamentals of pronunciation, structure and Hispanic culture. Special emphasis is given to continue the development of oral and aural skills in the classroom and by use of computerized sources. C-ID: SPAN 110.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 101, or SPAN 101A and SPAN 101B Minimum grade C

Lecture Hours: 90.0; Lecture Hours: 5.63

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

SPAN 103  Intermediate Spanish  (3.0 Units)  

Provides an expanded review of key grammatical concepts and develops vocabulary with emphasis on composition, reading and discussions in Spanish. Students study Hispanic cultures based on cultural and literary materials.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 102, Minimum grade C or AP high school Spanish exam score 4 or 5.

Lecture Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

SPAN 104  Intermediate Spanish  (3.0 Units)  

A continuation of an expanded review of key grammatical concepts and develops vocabulary with emphasis on composition, reading and discussions in Spanish. Students study Hispanic cultures based on cultural and literary materials.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 103, Minimum grade C or 3 years of high school Spanish.

Lecture Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

SPAN 110  Spanish for Spanish Speakers  (5.0 Units)  

This course is designed for students who are effective in oral communication in Spanish within their communities, and want to improve their oral, writing, reading, and grammar skills. Emphasis is placed on formal, oral and written communication skills in Spanish at the intermediate proficiency level, and the studies of Hispanic cultures and peoples. This course is entirely conducted in Spanish. Students will receive credit for SPAN 110 or SPAN 101, but not both. , UC

Lecture Hours: 90.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

SPAN 111  Spanish for Spanish Speakers  (5.0 Units)  

This is the second of a two-course sequence in Spanish for Spanish speakers. This course is designed for students who are effective in oral communication in Spanish within their communities, and want to improve their oral, writing, reading, and grammar skills. Emphasis is placed on formal, oral and written communication skills in Spanish at the intermediate-advanced proficiency level, and the studies of Hispanic cultures and peoples. This course is entirely conducted in Spanish. Students will receive credit for SPAN 111 or SPAN 102, but not both. , UC

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 101 or SPAN 101A and SPAN 101B or SPAN 110, Minimum grade C

Lecture Hours: 90.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

SPAN 125  Conversational Spanish I  (3.0 Units)  

This is the first of two courses covering the essentials of Spanish conversation. It is a basic introductory course which emphasized oral practice, pronunciation and vocabulary development. It is designed to develop a speaking and understanding knowledge of Spanish for use in everyday language. This course is designed for non-native speakers of the language. Grade Option.

Lecture Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to CSU only