An introductory exercise course designed to emphasize fitness by offering the student a variety of exercises and aerobic work. Open to both men and women.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Not transferable
Advanced techniques of exercise through the use of a variety of contolled exercises. This class is open to both men and women. (Formerly ADPE 41A) Does not apply to the associates degree.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Not transferable
Tennis for adults is fun, offers excellent exercise, and a way to make friends while playing tennis. Enhance your tennis skills and quality of life.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Not transferable
This course is an introduction to the interdisciplinary approach to the study of human movement. An overview of the importance of the sub-disciplines in kinesiology will be discussed along with career opportunities in the areas of teaching, coaching, allied health, and fitness professions. Grade Option. C-ID: KIN 100.
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 48.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
This course involves the theory and detailed demonstration of the first aid care of the injured. The student will learn to assess a victim?s condition and incorporate proper treatment. Upon successful completion of this course and testing, students receive an American Heart Association First Aid, CPR, AED Course Completion Card that is valid for two years. Grade Option. C-ID: KIN 101.
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
This course offers a comprehensive study of the origin, growth, and development of dance from ancient to modern times. Theatrical, social, and ritualistic forms will be researched. Cultural trends, religions, politics, and social attitudes in relation to dance will be covered. Grade Option, Recommended Preparation Course - English 101. , UC
Recommended Preparation: ENGL-101.0 or ENGL-101H;
Lecture Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
An introduction to the discipline of sports psychology for students with no previous background in the field. Topics include: orientation to sports psychology, motivational techniques, individual differences and sports behavior, social-environmental influences and sports behavior, and intervention techniques and sports behavior. Grade Option.
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
This course provides a comprehensive overview of theories and methods relating to the development of a physical education program for children ages 0-11 years, including children with special needs and abilities. Emphasis is on the application of principles of physical growth and development to the teaching and acquisition of specific physical skills. The course curriculum is consistent with the California State Department of Education Physical Education Framework.
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
This course educates future coaches on the moral and ethical dilemmas typically encountered in competitive athletics. Students will also develop strategies to address various forms of exclusion and inequity in sports and athletics.
Lecture Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
These courses are designed to permit investigation in depth of topics not covered by regular catalog offerings. Course content, hours, and unit credit to be determined by the instructor in relation to community/students interest and/or available staff. may be offered as a seminar, lecture, or laboratory class. Individual course descriptions approved by the Curriculum Committee are on file in Office of Instruction.
Lecture Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Development of beginning-level playing and competitive skills in the paddle sport of Pickleball. Instruction in the beginning, skills, techniques, and strategies, along with rules, etiquette, and safety for older adults. Pickleball features simple rules and is easy to learn. Because beginners can enjoy the sport almost immediately, while advanced players experience it as a fast-paced, highly competitive game, Pickleball is suitable for individuals of all ages, fitness levels, and athletic abilities.
Lab Hours: 27.0
Transfer: Not transferable
Development of beginning-level playing and competitive skills in the paddle sport of Pickleball. Instruction in the beginning skills, techniques, strategies, along with rules and etiquette. Pickleball features simple rules and is easy to learn. Because beginners can enjoy the sport almost immediately, while advanced players experience it as a fast-paced, highly competitive game, Pickleball is suitable for individuals of all ages, fitness levels and athletic abilities.
Lab Hours: 27.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
Introduction to principles of athletic training, including prevention, evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation of common athletic injuries.Interest and/or experience in athletics and sports is recommended. Crosslisted with ALDH 141.
Lecture Hours: 36.0; Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
This course will build on the student's basic knowledge of human anatomy and athletic injuries. Topics will include emergency procedures, current health concerns of the athlete, protective devices, advanced taping techniques and injury management. Crosslisted with ALDH 142.
Prerequisite(s): ALDH 141 or KIN 141
Lecture Hours: 36.0; Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Designed to help students understand the role of physical fitness in daily living. Students analyze and integrate individual fitness components into a personal fitness program level and participate in activities designed to improve overall fitness. Recommended Preparation: Individuals should be able to do a medium impact aerobic style workout or a stretching routine. Grade Option.
Lecture Hours: 18.0; Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Physical Fitness is an exercise course designed to emphasize fitness by offering the student a variety of exercises to include hand weights, exercise ball, aerobics and step aerobics which can be used to maintain fitness throughout life. Grade Option.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Evaluation of total body fitness and study of body mechanics in everyday activities. Establishing fitness goals and developing appropriate exercise fitness routines to build body proportions, strength, endurance, and flexibility. Grade Option.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Introduction to the basic techniques of weight training. The principles of strength development, the role of proper nutrition, the anatomy and physiology of muscles, and safety will be covered in the class. Various weight lifting programs covering strength development, endurance, and body building will also be introduced. Grade Option.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
A weight lifting course for those students who have been consistently participating in a weight lifting program for 6-12 months for at least 3 hours per week. This course is designed to emphasize continued individual growth in the areas of body building, body sculpturing and strength at an intermediate level. Grade Option.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Aerobic weight training combines strength and cardiovascular fitness training into a comprehensive weight training program that has as its major objective the development of all-around fitness. It offers measurable benefits to muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition, flexibility, and cardiovascular/aerobic fitness. Grade Option.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
An introduction to the basic skills, rules and strategies of basketball including: catching, passing, shooting, and dribbling. Grade option.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
This course is designed to cover the basic rules, techniques and skills, game strategies, and highlights officiating points of volleyball. Grade Option.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Reviews basic volleyball skills and begins work on more advanced skills and playing strategies. Grade Option.
Recommended Preparation: KIN 166
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Introduction to advanced techniques of volleyball skills. Individual skill work, along with various team offensive systems and team defensive patterns, will be taught and analyzed.Grade Option.
Recommended Preparation: KIN 166
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Introduction to basic self-defense. Defensive strategies to protect oneself from attack. Grade Option.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Conditioning for Intercollegiate Athletics is designed for intercollegiate athletes. Students are provided with instruction in sport-specific training techniques with the goal of improving overall muscular strength, endurance, and power. Students learn to develop and maintain a strength and conditioning program using sport-specific drills and equipment. Grade Option.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
The course offers logical sequence of learning experiences that include: basic tennis strokes; rules that govern play; understanding of game strategies; individual practice drills; and learning the equipment and safety involved. Includes forehand and backhand strokes, the serve, footwork, rules and etiquette. Grade Option.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Students are instructed in the basic skills of doubles for the sport of tennis. Rules of play, strategies, and skill development for doubles are emphasized. Grade Option.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Covers the use and skill development of equipment including woods, irons and putters. Includes the reading of greens, distance and selection of clubs, etiquette and rules of golf. Grade option. (UC credit limitation).
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
This course is designed to teach the student all areas of baseball. Both mental and physical skills will be taught and practiced. Fundamental instructions will be given in all the positions as well as strategies and organization of a team.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
Course will include drills and exercises to develop the skills, techniques, and conditioning essential for successful participation in intercollegiate football. Grade Option.
Lab Hours: 108.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Through football field activities, this course will provide students an opportunity to learn correct offensive football techniques, flexibility, injury prevention through proper warm-up and football skills. Grade Option.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Through football field activities, this course will provide students an opportunity to learn correct defensive football techniques, flexibility, injury prevention through proper warm-up and football skills. Grade Option.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
Use of an indoor cycling bike for improving overall physical fitness and health. Course focuses on endurance, strength, intervals, high intensity and recovery. Grade Option.
Lab Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only
An examination of sport as a significant aspect of modern culture and a major institution of modern society. Among the topics that will be discussed are gender, race, and ethnicity and their role in sport, sport as an economic enterprise, sport at the high school, collegiate, professional, and international levels, the effects that religion, social class, politics, deviance, and the media have on sport, and what future trends will have an influence on the world of sport.
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
The study of human physiological processes during exercise and activity. Includes study of metabolic changes to main body systems during acute exercise, the physiological adaptations due to chronic exercise and the effect of gaining upon performance.
Recommended Preparation: BIOL 211 and BIOL 231
Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38
Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU
This course provides instruction on the fundamental principles of coaching and teaching sports. This course emphasizes developing a coaching philosophy and athlete-centered approach, along with team management, sports-skill pedagogy, risk management, and regulations for school, club, and professional teams. A broad range of coaching skills are introduced in motivational strategies, coaching for character, and developmentally appropriate methods for athletes of various ages, skill levels, and abilities.
Lecture Hours: 54.0
Transfer: Transfers to CSU only