Guidance (GUID)

GUID 040  College Readiness  (0.0 Units)  

An introduction to college terms, support services, technology, and personal factors that contribute to academic success to help students make effective decisions regarding major/program of study. As a result of class activities, students will be able to utilize effective interpersonal communication skills to interact with peers and faculty on campus. Topics include understanding the differences between high school and college; students' rights and responsibilities; and how to access academic and student support services offered at Victor Valley College.

Lecture Hours: 9.0

Transfer: Not transferable

GUID 041  Career Exploration  (0.0 Units)  

Introduction course to help students make effective decisions regarding their career and life choices. Students will gain self-awareness for successful career development and life planning. Topics include personal development and characteristics for work, job search strategies and techniques, labor market trends and developing a career and life action plan.

Lecture Hours: 9.0

Transfer: Not transferable

GUID 042  Educational Planning  (0.0 Units)  

This course is designed to help students make effective decisions regarding their educational options that lead to career/job/major opportunities. Students will gain self-awareness and develop techniques for successful career development, life planning, and student educational planning. Topics include understanding higher education structure in California, programs of study offered at Victor Valley College, transfer requirements and major preparation, and developing a student educational plan that will lead to career/job placement.

Lecture Hours: 9.0

Transfer: Not transferable

GUID 50  College Success  (1.0 Units)  

This survey course is designed to introduce personal management and study techniques that are commonly applied among successful college students. This course emphasizes concepts such as the learning process, time management, note taking, efficient textbook reading, memory development and effective test-taking. Grade option. Grade Option.

Lecture Hours: 18.0

Transfer: Not transferable

GUID 51  Orientation to College  (1.0 Units)  

This class is designed to provide students with a well-rounded knowledge and orientation to the policies, procedures, and academic and support services available at Victor Valley College. Grade Option.

Lecture Hours: 18.0

Transfer: Not transferable

GUID 66  Peer Advising Techniques  (3.0 Units)  

This course is designed to provide peer advising techniques; familiarize students with campus policies and procedures; review student rights and responsibilities; understand campus resources; and develop helping skills that will prepare peer advisors to assist other students. Pass/No Pass.

Lecture Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Not transferable

GUID 81  Career Planning: Stage I  (1.0 Units)  

This course is intended to assist students with the career planning process. Stage I focuses on the building of self-awareness through career assessments, skills identification, and exploration of personal values and interests. A $20 course materials fee is required. Grade Option.

Lecture Hours: 18.0

Transfer: Not transferable

GUID 82  Career Planning: Stage II  (1.0 Units)  

This course is intended to assist students with the career planning process. Stage II focuses on decision making, major exploration, occupational research, and understanding the job market. Grade Option.

Lecture Hours: 18.0

Transfer: Not transferable

GUID 101  First Year Experience  (3.0 Units)  

This comprehensive course integrates personal growth, academic and career success with problem solving, critical and creative thinking. The course focuses on the following topics: life management, goal setting, career decision making, educational planning, college requirements and expectations, instructor-student interaction, cultural diversity, health maintenance, stress management, campus resources, learning styles, and strategies including lecture note-taking, test taking, and concentration. Grade Option.

Recommended Preparation: ENGL 101.0

Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

GUID 103  Career Exploration and Life Planning  (3.0 Units)  

This course is designed to assist students considering a career change or those undecided on a college major. An in-depth guide to creating career options throughout life. Topics include factors that affect career choice; self-assessment of personality, interest, skills, and values; career development over the life span; professional skills and techniques; and influence of career choice on family and relationships. Emphasis will be placed on personal growth through assessment, career research, goal setting, and decision making.

Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38

Transfer: Transfers to CSU only

GUID 105  Personal & Career Success  (3.0 Units)  

This intensive course is designed to assist second-year and re-entry students in obtaining the skills and knowledge necessary to identify and reach their personal goals and achieve college and career success. Topics covered include 21st century skills, goal-setting and success, managing life transitions, a holistic approach to health and wellness, human potential, diversity in the world, leadership, and financial awareness. Grade Option.

Recommended Preparation: ENGL 101.0

Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

GUID 107  Learning Strategies and Study Skills  (3.0 Units)  

This comprehensive course focuses on brain-based learning strategies that develop self-regulatory learning: discovering self-motivation; gaining self-awareness; developing emotional intelligence; employing interdependence; accepting personal responsibility; applying active listening, reading and note-taking; monitoring performance; and developing a growth mindset that believes in self. Students will combine theory and practice to become successful learners and successful college students. Grade Option.

Recommended Preparation: ENGL 101.0

Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

GUID 128  Special Topics  (1-3 Units)  

Lecture Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to CSU only