Geography (GEOG)

GEOG 101  Introduction to Physical Geography  (3.0 Units)  

An introduction to the fundamental concepts of geography with emphasis on the physical world, its components and interrelationships. Topics include earth/sun relationships, atmospheric elements and weather, climate and seasons, earthquakes and volcanoes, rocks and minerals, oceans and coastlines, glaciers, and landform distribution, methods of map reading and interpretation. Current environmental issues relating to these topics are emphasized. C-ID: GEOG 110.

Lecture Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

GEOG 101L  Geography 1 Laboratory  (1.0 Units)  

An interactive exploration of earth's weather and climate, vegetation and soils, rocks and minerals, earthquakes and volcanoes. Tectonic forces are studied as relating to landform destruction and creation. Gradational forces are studied as relating to the processes of water, wind and ice. C-ID: GEOG 111.

Co-requisite(s): GEOG 101

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

GEOG 102  Introduction to Cultural Geography  (3.0 Units)  

An examination of world cultures wth emphasis on globalization, population and settlement patterns, economic activities, languages, political and religious institutions. C-ID: GEOG 120.

Lecture Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

GEOG 103  Geography of California  (3.0 Units)  

A study of California's physical and cultural characteristics. Physical topics covered include earthquakes, fires, landslides, floods and volcanoes. Cultural topics include diversity, immigration, urbanization, agriculture and economics. C-ID: GEOG 140.

Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38

Transfer: Transfers to CSU only

GEOG 104  World Regional Geography  (3.0 Units)  

An examination of the world's countries within their global regions with emphasis on their physical and cultural attributes. Variations within and among these global regions are explored. C-ID: GEOG 125.

Lecture Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

GEOG 106  Map Interpretation and Analysis  (3.0 Units)  

Introduction to maps, images and geographic techniques. Technologies include map and aerial photograph interpretation, tabular data, spatial statistics, cartography, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Internet mapping, remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) that aid in data collection, analysis and presentation.

Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38

Transfer: Transfers to CSU only

GEOG 110  Introduction to Geographic Information½systems  (3.0 Units)  

GIS basics and applications are explored, including terminology, mapping and problem solving. Current GIS software applications and GPS navigational systems are utilized.

Lecture Hours: 36.0; Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

GEOG 130  Introduction to Weather and Climate  (4.0 Units)  

An examination of Earth's atmospheric systems: solar energy, temperature, pressure, wind, humidity and precipitation. Also included are tornadoes and hurricanes, climate systems and change. C-ID: GEOG 130.

Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to CSU only