Communication Studies (CMST)

CMST 104  Argumentation and Oral Debate  (3.0 Units)  

The study of argumentation within an oral debate setting. Treatment of the theories and practices of argument, both formal and informal. Emphasis on language as a tool of argument. Fallacies of reasoning, practical problem-solving situations, and systems of logic. Oral exercises including debates, extensive writing requirements including advocacy papers, and analysis of refutations of arguments.

Recommended Preparation: ENGL 101.0 and CMST 109

Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

CMST 105  Intercultural Communication  (3.0 Units)  

A course designed for the student to learn relevant intercultural communication elements, factors, and theories. Students will learn and be evaluated on: describing their cultural roots, creating an identity collage, defining worldview and cultural values, analyzing an intercultural encounter, describing an intercultural communication context, and exploring a specific intercultural topic. Students will demonstrate proficiency in the above through exams, individual and group presentations, and essays. C-ID: COMM 150.

Lecture Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

CMST 106  Interpersonal Communication  (3.0 Units)  

A course which examines human communication theory and principles across a variety of contexts. The course emphasizes analysis of communication variables as well as skill development and application. (UC credit limitation). C-ID: COMM 130.

Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

CMST 107  Family Communication  (3.0 Units)  

An introduction to human communication in the setting of the family. The goal is to help the student understand how, through communication, people develop, maintain, enhance, or destroy family relationships. Students will study the variables and the process of communication as they affect the interaction of their families and to develop insight that will make it possible to apply this knowledge.

Lecture Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

CMST 108  Group Discussion  (3.0 Units)  

Practical application of the processes involved in group discussion with an emphasis on problem solving and decision making. Attention to structured and unstructured situations. Principles applicable to groups found in schools, businesses, professions, and the family. Development on interpersonal skills for thoughtful participation in a democratic society. (UC credit limitation). C-ID: COMM 140.

Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

CMST 109  Public Speaking  (3.0 Units)  

A course designed for the student to learn how to prepare, organize, and deliver public speeches. Students will learn and be evaluated on: constructing a speaking outline, analyzing an audience, adapting to the occasion, and using effective speaking delivery techniques. Students will demonstrate proficiency in the above through the delivery of speeches in the classrom. C-ID: COMM 110.

Lecture Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

CMST 110  Introduction to Mass Media  (3.0 Units)  

This course introduces students to the influences and contributions of mass media in popular culture. It traces the historical development of each of the mass media, from earliest inventions to today's state-of-the-art digital technologies. This course surveys the impact of mass media on each of us as individuals and on American and world culture: where we might be going and what we can do about it. The course also examines how mass culture continually influences and shapes the media.

Lecture Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

CMST 128  Special Topic  (3.0 Units)  

These courses are designed to permit investigation in depth of topics not covered by regular catalog offerings. Course content, hours, and unit credit to be determined by the instructor in relation to community/students interest and/or available staff. may be offered as a seminar, lecture, or laboratory class. Individual course descriptions approved by the Curriculum Committee are on file in Office of Instruction.

Lecture Hours: 27.0

Transfer: Transfers to CSU only

CMST 129  Independent Study  (1-3 Units)  

Transfer: Transfers to CSU only

CMST 160  Streaming Video Production And½distribution  (4.0 Units)  

This course will expand on streaming video technology used in today's communication market place, including all technical aspects of video and mustimedia with the focue on theoretical and practical video technology issues. Basic video and TV principals, video fundamentals, digital video, video compression, video streaming, multicast, IP Video, multimedia compresson and transmission, multimedia signal processing, distributed video systems, and visualization. Streaming video production equipment and mobile technologies will be explored. This course will comer all the aspects of the current and future video interfaces and networks used to distribute video.

Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to CSU only

CMST 180  Survey of Visual Communication½technologies  (4.0 Units)  

Recommended Preparation: Computer Literacy. An overview of Adobe Creative Suite. Students are given the opportunity to sample professional digital design tools while applying the fundamentals of design.

Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to CSU only

CMST 181  Principles of Communication Design  (3.0 Units)  

An introductory survey course demonstrating the methods and principles common to the communication design disciplines, including problem-solving, composition, idea generation, and storytelling.

Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lecture Hours: 3.38

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

CMST 184  Interactive Design for Internet½communication  (4.0 Units)  

Anoverviewofmostcurrentindustrystandard softwareusedforcreatingweb pages. This course does not focus on HTML or scripting language but is focused on the development of effetive communication in the design.

Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

CMST 188  Fundamentals of Journalism  (3.0 Units)  

This course covers the basics of news and feature reporting and writing, including interviewing techniques, legal/ethical issues, writing strategies, and desk-top publishing. Students produce the campus newspaper and learn about career opportunities. Crosslisted with JOUR 108.

Prerequisite(s): ENGL 45

Co-requisite(s): CMST 188LA

Lecture Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to both UC/CSU

CMST 188LA  Journalism Lab A  (1-3 Units)  

This is the laboratory course which requires CMST 188 as a co-requisite. The students will improve their writing skills; learn techniques for copy editing, design, and layout: and learn the fundamentals of advertising, photo-journalism, business, and desk-top publishing as they apply to newspaper production and distribution.

Prerequisite(s): ENGL 45, Minimum grade C

Co-requisite(s): CMST 188

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to CSU only

CMST 188LB  Journalism Lab B  (1-3 Units)  

This laboratory only course focuses on intermediate writing and producing the school newspaper, RamPage, and its online version. Students will research, write, and edit articles for both publications. Students will also take photographs, design and/or layout pages, create graphic illustrations, and develop multimedia stories. Throughout this course, students will also apply media ethics and learn fundamentals of media law. Leadership and management skills are also covered.

Prerequisite(s): CMST 188LA, Minimum grade C

Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to CSU only

CMST 282  Social Media  (4.0 Units)  

In this course students will explore the emerging social media career. Student will learn to use tools and techniques used to create social media content and to effectively communicate and disseminate information to the masses and niche media groups. The challenges faced by content creators will also be discussed.

Lecture Hours: 54.0; Lab Hours: 54.0

Transfer: Transfers to CSU only